Nishi's Noshery
Nishi's Noshery
80%🍽 10%📚 10%🧘🏽‍♀️🌎 & 100%🍷

Welcome to Nishi's Noshery 


For those who may not know, a noshery is a place where people gather to eat, like a kitchen or local restaurant. I'm an amateur cook just starting off and hope you guys & ladies enjoy my recipes and learn with me along the way!

Here are a few things about me & this new little blog of mine:

🌱 My eyes are ALWAYS bigger than my stomach 👀

🌱 My tummy guides everything in my life. I'm always thinking about the next meal and the meal after that! #alwayshungry

🌱 I work full-time, am living in a new city for the first time, and travel a decent amount. In the midst of all that, cooking and nourishing my body with homemade food is one of my biggest priorities. Therefore, you can expect simple, 'mostly' from scratch food and recipes! We're all just trying our best here 🙃

🌱 I believe food is our fuel and am fascinated by the science behind what we put into our bodies. As I do research on these things, I'll be sharing that knowledge along the way 🌿

🌱 Cooking is my source of happiness, my escape, my stress reliever, and my ability to be present. My passion for cooking comes from my mom - I can only dream to be a fraction of the cook she is one day! As far back as I can remember, me and sister would be in the kitchen asking to help my mom cook and learn as much as we could. It really is a family love affair with food for us Ghelani's 🥰

🌱 And lastly, while this will mainly be a food blog, I'll be sharing tidbits of the other things that lift my soul and make my heart smile ✨

Thanks for joining this crazy little endeavor with me! Now it's time to #NoshwithNish ! 💕