Nishi Ghelani

Vegan Chai

Nishi Ghelani
Vegan Chai


Do I need to say more???! Earlier this year, I linked cow's milk to a lot of issues I was having. I can't cut dairy completely (this girls needs her cheese) but I have mostly cut cow's milk at home. The number one thing I struggled with was how to have my chai (because chai is a necessity 🤷🏽‍♀️), until I experimented with my frother and oatmilk!! I find oatmilk to have the closest consistency and flavor to regular milk. I've tried many brands and nothing beats @oatly! I'm sure you can make this with other non-dairy milks but I can't have soy or almond milk. Also, need to say this: it is NOT Chai Tea - chai equals tea so essentially you're saying 'tea tea' - just stick with chai 😘. See below for the recipe✨

The Goods:

1 cup water

6 oz oatmilk

1.5 tsp chai

1 tsp ginger

1-2 tsp chai masala

2-3 pinches cardamom powder

Sugar as needed

The Fun:

Pour water into a small pot on high heat. Grate ginger directly into pot. Add the chai masala, cardamom powder, and sugar. Once it's boiling, add in the chai. Lower to a simmer and let it gently boil for 5 minutes. Water should reduce but if it reduces too much, add in 1 tbsp at a time. Turn gas off. Meanwhile, pour the oatmilk into the frother and let it do it's thang. Our frother is attached to the Keurig so I choose 'latte mode' but Amazon has many affordable options for individual frothers! Pour the chai into a mug, and top off with the frothed oatmilk - & voila you've got yourself a vegan, nut-free chai latte that tastes the closest to the real thing! Enjoy over breakfast or for afternoon tea time!

If I have time, I'll grind some whole spices instead of using the powders (2-3 cloves, 2 cardamom pods, 1/4 cinnamon stick).

Also s/o because we make ours incredibly similarly!! Great pharmacists think alike 😉💕